Friday, October 26, 2007

Stormy night

It has been raining since yesterday. The wind has been blowing all night. Gray and black clouds are everywhere. And I am loving every minute of it. The only problem is that I had to come to work...F**K. I do enjoy this weather and with a full moon tonight it looks like an omen to just enjoy the show. Finally I am focusing all my negativity in one insignificant boss. Every grain of dark energy is compromise to his demise and suffering. Which I do hope last enough for my never fulfill satisfaction.
Yesterday had to drag my mother to the physician hopefully is only an irritation of the stomach instead of a pancreatitis. Today she have to get some test done.
Warning advise ahead. After 3 years of on and off, fighting, disappointment, cheating and lots of disrespect why do you still try to hang on. You had try for so long now is time to just let go. Do not try to hold on to someone that never was yours to begging with. I had to let you pass through Hell alone now I can help you get out. But only if you want to leave. If you decide to stay I promise to fight at your side. Just leave the trash behind you have others to take care off. Others that are really important. Stop acting like a child and take care of your children. Since you are alone now this is the perfect time to get closer to them. Learn from them. If your parents treated you like shit you DO NOT have to do the same to your kids. You can break the freaking cycle. You have a treasure worth reclaiming. Like Jarabe de Palo said..."y sino respondo grita" or leave a message on my cel :P So there is no misunderstanding this is for the Gentle Giant.

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