Monday, October 01, 2007

monday again

Busy at work, same crap same old dog trying to get away with same old tricks...Not this time. I am planning a one man strike or something. Well not exactly but I will just do what I am supposed to do and nothing more. Lets see if they like it :) House is looking more as a house every day. Still do not know how much more $$$ can I put into it. I have to put it in black and I won't get into the red.
Every moment I get more convince I should do the Psi thing and work on my own...need to get the $$$ straight first.
1st of October looking to put some Halloween thingies at home and at the office, maybe next year I can finally do the Haunted House theme I have always wanted. But this year still too much debry to do that.
Probably family visit this weekend to do some cleaning, hope is not a bad idea.
Mentally busy, physically tired...

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