Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Sick in the head

Have you ever witness a crash accident? I mean before it happens. You know what will be the outcome but you can not look away from it. You just have to watch it happens. Well I am in that point in my life. I am seeing bodies in motion and they are in a collision course. Bound to crash into each other and I can not look away. I am mesmerize by the whole spectacle waiting for the inevitable conclusion. Why does the Devil put those distractions so close?
Being the Puppet Master at work is becoming so easy that is not even funny. Dolls need to be manipulated in order to go from A to B. So I am really doing them a favor. I am giving them purpose. I am only giving them the right point of view. Which only I can really know.
A waste is a terrible thing to mind but hey someone has to.

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