Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Christine stikes again

On friday night after a day that started at 5pm I got into a crash with an inmobile object, as the police claim says, just 2 minutes from my house I ram the car against a cement block on the side of the road. I am fine I suffer no harm. Being researching all over the place because ther emight be a chance that Christine will come back to life, which I FEAR. The reason that made me buy a Toyota is the same reason there is a chance she will hunt value. My car is worth almost $10,000 in the market right now, WHAT THE FUCK! so my fortune depends now on the estimate and the Insurance Company.
I am in charge of the office this week since my boss is on vacations out of the country. And it has been one of those weeks when everything that can goes wrong. Floods on Sunday, problems with Day End on Monday, shortage of equipment and Bitches geeting on my nerves. I might have to take Friday off to get somethings done.
Hopefully nothing else will go wrong in my life, famous last words.
The only good thing is that I finish a year long PS2 game. Now 5 more to go.

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