Monday, May 15, 2006

Christine is ALIVE

So, I forgot my camera which I wish I had at the moment of posting this, but I dont. If I did you would be thinking that I post another picture of the cursed Christine...which is partially true. On Saturday afternoon I was stranded in my house playing FFX-2 when I heard a disturbing sound...I slowly got out of bed, went to the front door and saw a car ram into the already destriy piece of crap that used to be my car. My front neibor had try to move her brother's manual car and the car just went backward donw the rapm and stop when it hit mind.......ok I think this deserves a big WTF!!!!!! How can that damn car still get hit when it cant move? What fucking material was used to create that thing? If someone knows where to find the 7 daggers to kill the anti-christ please let me know.
On other news, about the car, the insurance company came on Friday and took a look at it. It is going to be "Perdida Total" hmmm didnt knew how to translate that. So this Thursday I am suppose to have an answer.
A very good friend told me I was obssesing over a car...and guess what? as always he is right. I dont know why these little things get to me so much. With all the shit happening around me I have to over analyze everything. Well I will try to change that.I said try dont expect miracles ok.

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