Wednesday, May 24, 2006

An old Spirit wanting to rest, a wandering soul seeking shelter, ruins of what used to be...I just want to take a drill and let all the steam out of my head. I can feel the migraine coming and there is no stopping it. I had been in the worse mood ever for the past week. And noone is even trying to understand that I am VERY IRRITABLE! Sorry but I do have a limit break and I think I reach it a while ago. Why the fuck do I have to still be the one there for everybody damn it. I too need someone to take the load of from once in a while. I know the burden I carry, I know the responsibilities, the constant judgment, the endless critiquing...But that doesn't mean it is easy or that I don't get tire...I am tired. Family, friends?, work...Life. When is my time to be on the passenger sit? When is my time to just be me?
On top of all the things boiling inside I found out that one of the only 3 co-workers I do share is piss at me...And for what?...I DON'T HAVE A CLUE. He just verbally attack me yesterday out of the blue, which made me so angry that I wanted it to take all my frustration on him. I wanted to rip his tongue and shove it into his ass so he could taste the shit he was talking.
My father is still mad at me for living the rich life or something
Forgot to pay cable, the payment I did make is on the air because is not on my account and it never reach the company.
Not my week, like the song says I need a blue skies holiday..Or I might lose it completely

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