Thursday, April 27, 2006

Slap in the face

Ok so I am surfing the net and I found this interesting blog:

It brought a smile to my face to realize that not every time I see PR on the web is to read an article about The Crisis. I know is just a stupid board game but hey this is my country and I am proud of it. We DO have mediocre leaders, and yes politics here is the dirties job of them all and YES we do suck at a bunch of things. But not everything is lost. There is ppl here that do care and want to make a difference. I know that is hard to see them with all the crap flying around but they are we just need to keep looking for them.
I will be affected by The Crisis since my mother will be out of work...Oh God help me! Also a lot of good friends will be on the street. My shoulder and pockets to them. I just hope someone realize that there are more important things at hand than saving face to come on top...Thanks God is not up to me.

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