Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The day after V

Hope everyone had a nice V-day. Me...well I went to my house to have a nice evening with my lover the TV. But I have to admit I did had a lot of calls from friends and some ghosts. Plus the sugar rush was great. The best compliment I got in the day was "he can eat all the chocolate we want just look at that body" (blush) it did wonders for my self steem.
Thinking on doing another degree in Psy or Literature. Talk to a few people and the lawer thing might not be great at this stage in my life. But still dont know.
Planning a get away on Holy Week, not a beach resort maybe a quite place on the mountains will be great.

Have you seen the commercial "I work with monkeys"? And the sequel "I work with jackasses"? well that sums up my working experience at the moment.

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Repeat after me:

V for Vendetta…
V for Invasion Extraterrestre… (remember, the tv series with the lizards eating humans, yummy?)
V for Valentine’s Day ( the most crappy day of the year)
V for Viv ( the queen of Neverland)

Darling, too many V’s. You need to be moooore specific.