Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I feel like that in the far from Saturday not close enough to monday...I am an Island stranded between two continents. In one there is progress, technology , money in the other hopes, dreams, fear...why cant I have it all. Why do I have to sacrifice one for the other. Why my fricking mind has to be in 2 places at the same time. I enjoy what I do for a living but there is so much more I want to do. I dont want to wait until I am almost 50 to have a life. I have the illusion of one right now and s killing me.
Nothing around me lift my soul
motionless wind around me
leeching my will to go on
just a memory of my own
will the night bring joy
or just another empty promise

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Yahoo is misbehaving, so I write here.

Why r u so depressed? You have no reason to. You have a good job, you have your own life, you have two worlds that come together easily no matter how different they may look… You make things work. You have lived life, and you enjoy every opportunity for freedom that you get. You have dreams that remind you of your core, that keep you from becoming a corporate bastard. You keep an inner child that shines each time you smile. You will get your perfect bliss soon enough. The things that happens to you all othem teaches a lesson that makes you grow. And you survive, gaining more wisdom, a bit of humbleness, and more experience that prepares you for that special someone whom you will meet, with whom you will share your life forever. Chin up, you have good things going your way. Patience. You are still young, rascal. You will see. I pray you get all the good things you deserve, soon enough. You are never alone.Remember.