Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last day of September

It has been over a month now that I have been living in SJ and I am still happy of the choice I made. I do have to make some effort to provoke more dinamics around me. Not been on the road for 3 hours has cut on my cel time since once I get to the House I do not have the cel with me all the time...long ago I made the resolution to not be bound by that little contraption. I am trying to schedule call time during the nights...is not like there are so many ppl to call but it would be nice to have a chat or two. I will have to start dragging myself out of the PC to actually enjoy the reasons I decided to move to SJ. Is just that been sitting in front of the PC is such a comfy place. It can be as familiar or chaotic as I decide...but I do want more out of life. So on October I will try to change my rutine a little. I will star by getting back to my first love, reading...what did you expected? I do want to expand my knowledge base and to reconect with those late nights. And I think I do have the perfect catch to motivate me.

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