Monday, October 13, 2008

rainy day and at work

In the inactive state that I call Life I had neglected a few important facts in my surrounding. Even for me that is too impolite. I am still making adjustments to changes and environments. The problem is that the more I adapt the more it seems I am standing still. For some reason I feel like I am in hamster cage running in the same place. Maybe that routine is what makes us enjoy the highlights of our life; maybe I am just a junkie and need strong stimulus to get myself high. Do not get me wrong I do have a nice life is just that the routine gets to me. Doing the same steps every day gets annoying after a while. On the other hand I am a force of control...without it I am lost and confuse. It has taken me a lot to let loose just the few inches I have. I hope that is enough to begin.
I am glad I did not took the trip to see Nightwish/Sonata because NW cancel like 7 shows in a row...could there be troubles in paradise? So that money will be use to a get away...not saying take a breather.

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