Wednesday, November 28, 2007

almost December


Did not do anything extraordinary on Thanks giving weekend. A long boring weekend trying to make space for the junk that is left in my mother's previous house. Since she started moving I need to take my stuff to my house. The only low point was a weird mix up with the painting guy. I ended up hiring a guy that no one knows how he found out about the job. I only used him for the priming.
This week started on the wrong side of the road. Clashing with my boss again, I am getting so freaking tire of his black hole mentality. I feel like I am going to explode at any time. Plus adding the fact that is almost December and the traffic has not getting better as the past years. I am arriving annoyed at work and tire at home. At least I am trying to find extracurricular activities to do in my house so the boredom does not kill me little by little.
Not looking forward to the end of the week. Too many trash in my head and no one to talk to, does not a good combination make.

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Gee, thanks! Crybaby!