Monday, December 03, 2007

First week of December

Not so bad comparing to last year. Must be my resolution of not celebrating. I am even going to work during December. I am tire of expecting, waiting, hoping...I won't rain on anyone parade, or try to bring no one down, but I will try with all my might to keep afloat. So this year there will be no decorations at my house, no gathering of people, maybe a few mandatory phone calls and nothing more. December will be just another month with a cold weather.
I am loosing the battle to keep my sanity at work, but ppl apparently are not noticing or maybe they are to afraid to let me know. I am not controlling my temper, my tone of voice or my body language. Is getting to the point that I do not care what happen to me any more.
Family...the only highlight is that my brother that lives in the states is communicating more often. After X years we are finally creating a real bounding...who knew? I am actually looking forward for hos new job to start so I can visit him in Florida. Maybe I can get to know other nephews beside Yanqui and Zuly.
Today is catching up on emails and messages. Hope I do get them all :P

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