Monday, March 26, 2007


Are Saturday and Sunday over? It seems like I have been in my office all these days, wait a minute I had!! On Friday night I received a call telling me there was an issue with the system. Since it was 10:40pm I knew no one was at the office eto solve the problem, so I had to drive from my house to the Institution. I was here until 1 am in the morning but I solve the problem. Saturday morning my employee called me to ask me another random stupid question, which piss me so much that I did not went back to sleep. I went to Denny's and eat like a pig for breakfast. Around 6:00 pm I get a called from work with another biggie. After a close encounter of the worse kind with the person who was supposed to be on call, I came down for another 2 hours of work. Sunday morning at 8:00 am another call woke me up. So I started my Sunday very early. Went in a frenzy cleaning mode, interrupted by the oh so annoying calls from work, since no one else called on Sunday. Now my nose hurts from all the hidden dust that went into my body. Hopefully the week will take a turn for the best.

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