Friday, February 23, 2007

another Friday

One busy week at work. Calls, complains, brainless mass of meat, the usual. Taking care of my new babies, trying not to get too attach...doing a miserable job at that. Playing with them, getting down and dirty(what would the High elves think?). The albino one I think is kind of blind and wasn't eating properly so I am manually feeding him twice a day, this morning he looked in much better shape, hopefully he is out of danger. The mother fucker of the guy that still ha vent finish the work at home called me to telling me to drop everything because he will eventually get the job done...who the hell does he think I am. Like I am going to be so stupid to drop the case. Getting tired of many satellites in my life, trying to reform the ruins of my existence, not ad easy task but brick by brick.

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