Friday, April 21, 2006

Press Me

Hopefully by next week I will be done with the cat thingie. Finally friday, not a bas week overall but I am tire anyway. Dreading that I might be close to a physical break down but the show must go one. No exercise the whole week getting back the H2O into my skin and peeling like a snake...I look dreamy. If it doesnt rain during the weekend is back to The Project and plant some bushes before they die on my garage, and the lemon tree + I HAVE to do the cleaning of the house...did I really wanted Friday to come? If my boss give the word I will be in a trainning on june on Tampa for a week. My luck is that the week after that I already have plans made so I wont be able to stay and go to Disney as I want to...I am curse to not visit the Magic Kindom.
Feeling much better this days hopefully the black cloud is moving on and I can start smeeling the roses.

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