Tuesday, March 07, 2006

My nose is running again I think I should send it to the Olympics or something. This weekend I did absolublty nothing. Just rented Legend of Zorro.......I should have rentend the first one I watched twice. Is Zorro for God's sake why did the try to make it deep? the world may never know.
Unable to decide about my future, and I mean all parts of it:love, financial, career and the list can go on. I might go to Alaska where I can live with my dogs and be alone.
What is the purpuse of having a house if I only use one room?

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Master room: where u sleep
2nd room: Family/library/office
3rd room: Guest room
living room: duh
dining room: duh
kitchen: triple duh
outer space: barbecues, gatherings, dogs

as u see, u dont have so much space at all. you just have to organize urself. Living all ur life in a very small room adapted u as a beta fish. It may be overwhelming, but believe me, your house is average in terms of space. You need further decoration and to locate things in a better way. You have good ideas, get the right ones on track. Accesorize a bit further. You can do it!