Monday, March 27, 2006


On Friday I went to see a movie that Vierna had the audacity of calling at 12 am to recommened. The movie "V for vendetta" Oh my f***ing God what a rush. It was poetry in motion it has been a while since the last time I felt so trill in a theater. I was so full of emotions that I even cry during the movie. If you havent seen it go. If you dont get it then your lost, if you do get it call me to share it. On Saturday I went to a surprise thingie my stepfather had for my mom I played dominoes( yes I know) with her for a while. My 2 brothers were there some friends and family. She was happy and wearing the earings I gave her :)
Sunday had to come to the office due to a failure on some backups and the system being dowm. They called me at 8:20 am. I was at the office until 3 pm left everything ok and went home to finish cleaning, which I did. With the house clean I read 2 chapters of LoTR.
Today they called me at 6 am(luckly I was on my way). Someone decided to make a power test in the institution and the HUGE ups we have in the office fail. So I started with no light + no system. At 10 am I got almost everything under control.
I have to take a friend to a surgery on Friday and probably take care of him during the next weekend...ok this better pay off.
On the bright side someone left me a Myrna's Sweet cake on my desk. If I had cold milk I would have eaten the whole thing right now.
Vierna I am far but you just need to call.
Groundel dont get mad but GROW UP and GET A LIFE
Trasher either commit or get the Hell out
Sara(still no name for you) stay strong things are not that bad
Angel we are getting there or out of there
Juanca make up your mind
Angel2 dont put with all the crap
Me start taking action

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