Monday, March 13, 2006

Weekend of Sequels

Ok so I was bore and my great idea was to rent some movies I havent seen...bad idea. First i took a copy of AD&D2 Wrath of the something Dragon, like the first one was so great the decided to make another. Stupid module, no creative DM, cheap,cheap, cheap effects. Oh! and dont forget too long so you can hate it more. Who at the end of editting said this is a good movie? They should fireball, icestorm and the acid him. Next watch Zatura...I loved jumanji I still enjoy watching the movie I dont care about the animatronics or the so obvious blue screen,the movie was entertaining, witty, sassy and it had mister Williams in it. Zatura well it fell short will be an understatement. The movie is so predictable, yes for a movie base on a random game it is predictable. The actors well they SUCK even the supposed to be adorable kid is annoining. The only good thing about this renting frenzy was The Three Musketers,closest thing to a gaming experience I had in the past 2 month.
I follow a frind advice and started reading my books on the living room. I left it there so I have to sit there to continue reading. Move the baby fishes to the entertaiment room so I have to spend time there watching them swim. C I do follow some advices.

1 comment:

Vierna said...

What r u saying? Zathura was not THAT bad! It is still better than Queen of the Damned. ;)