Tuesday, February 28, 2006

This weekend was to my House. I clean the backyard, took out all he weed/dry stuff that was covering it for the past 2 month. Plant some things in it...lets see if my curse does not kill them. I have the mutant ability that kill everything I plant. In Spanish "Mato todo lo que entierro" Clean the whole House including the closets... the allergies are killing me. Took care of my fish tanks...I have a new batch of swords tails(fishes). Between chores I was able to catch Flashdance, Vanhelsing, Return of the King(dont get tired of it) and some episodes of Danny Phantom and fairy old parents.
This week at work same old shit happening
On personal matters the waters are calm. just sailing away where the wind will take me. Not forcing anything, not waiting anything just sailing.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Long week looking forward to the weekend. Enough said.

Monday, February 20, 2006

The Ranger is back!

This weekend when to a "finca" in Yabucoa to gather some plants...A friend told me that he had a few Heliconia(http://www.highlandheliconia.com/) so I went to the country...Nice morning, yes I wake up at 8:00 am on Sunday. With a "machete" in hand I went to get the goods. Brought a few plants to my house some for the backyard, a few to hide the doggies and a few to suck water. Then in my house got started on cleaning the dry land that is my backyard. I work on it until 6 pm and there still a lot of stuff to do. I forgot I had to work today. So it will be until next week to finish the cleaning process then on to the landscapping. Not sure what I will do yet. Need more cactuses for the front yard. Hope the ranger does not go huntting so I can get some work finish there.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The day after V

Hope everyone had a nice V-day. Me...well I went to my house to have a nice evening with my lover the TV. But I have to admit I did had a lot of calls from friends and some ghosts. Plus the sugar rush was great. The best compliment I got in the day was "he can eat all the chocolate we want just look at that body" (blush) it did wonders for my self steem.
Thinking on doing another degree in Psy or Literature. Talk to a few people and the lawer thing might not be great at this stage in my life. But still dont know.
Planning a get away on Holy Week, not a beach resort maybe a quite place on the mountains will be great.

Have you seen the commercial "I work with monkeys"? And the sequel "I work with jackasses"? well that sums up my working experience at the moment.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


I feel like that in the middle...to far from Saturday not close enough to monday...I am an Island stranded between two continents. In one there is progress, technology , money in the other hopes, dreams, fear...why cant I have it all. Why do I have to sacrifice one for the other. Why my fricking mind has to be in 2 places at the same time. I enjoy what I do for a living but there is so much more I want to do. I dont want to wait until I am almost 50 to have a life. I have the illusion of one right now and s killing me.
Nothing around me lift my soul
motionless wind around me
leeching my will to go on
just a memory of my own
will the night bring joy
or just another empty promise

Friday, February 03, 2006

Something this small can last a very long time.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Wrong time/era/place that is how I feel but hey I am the eternal Knight protector of all, last one to stand never leaving my post. Too many responsabilities on this shoulders, wish I could be careless like some people and live out of my mother or piety, hey I will even seatle for a lover to pay the rent+food+entertaiment...I would be so lucky if I didnt care but I do. Last time I felt my spirit fly was in a beautiful place call Mayaguez...those times always bring a smile to my face, but nothing last forever but the memories remain.

Dark clouds over my head
constant rain everywhere
sweet kiss of death desire
last breath of love forgoten
shadow path of mirages
dying sun in the horizon
starless night my companion