Thursday, October 23, 2008

Numb again

Sometimes it takes a lot of courage to not be control by a primal instinct...sometimes you just let go so the basic needs arise. At this point in my life that the economy is stuck and sinking is better to not feel too many things around. Is not a moment to make rush decisions or to behave like me. : P I am trying hard to just not let many things get to my way. A time out is in order and hopefully I will take it on November. Honestly I understand why ppl go to psychiatric centers to get hospitalize for weeks...sometimes you just want to disconnect from the world. Actually they should encourage ppl to take a nice Psy vacations. Where they will give you shelter, food and medications for one or two weeks. I am even willing to sacrifices my tech stuff...then I will really need medication lol.
On reality I am taking a day off from PC every week. The first day was boring and frustrating. The second time was too productive. I finally got to do things I had procrastinate for too long. At the end of the day I actually just want it to sleep. Did I miss been in front of the monitor? Yes. Did I die? No. Was it worth it? Yes. I knew one day I would use human subjects for my experiments just did not knew it would be me lol. Maybe I can add another day but I won't push it.

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