Monday, December 31, 2007

the last of 2007

This year has not been spectacular, not that bad, not that good either. Which in my case is an achievement. This year was not my year...I mean is was the year of everyone close to me. The year started with my sisters' weddings, one week apart lol. Then it was my mother and stepfather's retirement, Hell month more like it. They were able to buy a house and are having a blast. Is like they are living for the first time in years. My brother that lives with my mother made a 180 degree turn and even I am impress with his behavior. My brother in the states got a job offer in Florida which is going to be great for him and his family. V gave birth to a beautiful expansion of her jejeje. She will make those two proud. So even though nothing extraordinary happen to me it did happen to those close to me. I am happy for their happiness. And I am still learning to take a back sit and watch from a distance. This year I have to learn to take care of my life more closely. I have to really be selfish with me and dedicate more time to me, myself and I.
To those out there I hope you can keep those resolutions until May at least and that all your short time goals can come true this year.

White Night Fantasy (Once)

Enchantress came to me and said:
Meet me at the lake tonight

I hunmed this song to the white
Through the shroud of snow I saw
No more lies

Crestfallen soul
Rest for this night
Love is here
Right here under my wings

I dream of wolves with them I run
For me she lengthened the night
I am home
I am in peace

Crestfallen soul
Rest for this night
Love is here
Right here under my wings

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