Monday, January 29, 2007

One down, one to go

Last week was a busy one. On top of my normal load of work I was given 5 new projects, 2 which have a deadline of February 9, 2007 the other due on careful what you wish for. My boss reassign the Help Desk to another person. I felt bad at first then decided to let it go less stress for me..but then the Coordinator had a meeting with me and my boss to explain her plans for the new year and all she did what talk dirt about the HD and her supervisor(ME!) it almost made me forget my resolution but I just put her in her place with my natural ability to be sarcastic and proper :) So one less thing for me to worry at work now the HD is on her own with her Coordinator. I work overtime to get some bugs fix which off course no one took care during my vacations. But actually I am back to enjoying getting to the office, and all it took was one quick resolution.
Also following with the list of things I should not put off I call a friend which I had deleted from my circle. He is an ok guy it just that sometimes I can be a little bastard and ppl don't get it. Is not that I am evil(which I am not denying either) is just that I see things differently. Next step is trying to get close to my blood related family...still wondering if it is even worth a try. Luckily for me I have two branches to reach I just need the continuity to grap one. Is that or lose all contact with blood once my mom and dad pass away.
On Saturday was Sony and Tony 's (it sound like a merengue group)weeding. I was the official Best Man. The priest knew them and he was able to deliver a service really custom made for the family. Not many ppl went to the church they appear at the reception(why??) Finally I meet friends of Sony that I have heard for years and didn't knew...and all night I kept on hearing:"where is the famous Quevedo?" The highlight of the ceremony...the Photographer. What a freaking character, at least noone will be serious in the pictures. The important thing was they look happy.
Sunday drove to Aguadilla to meet the A and V(beverage anyone?) for the cake. I decided to eat so I wouldnt get sugar crazy over cakes...didn't work. After taking the loooooooong way to get there and a called to the surfer dude we reach our destination. The surfer was useless so we have to wait until today to find out about the deal. But we did get some I got 2 pieces of cake and one 3 leches...sugar rush. Took the long way to get home did some site seeing with the light that was available, forgot the camera, my bad. Got home and was able to watch 45 minutes of tv before collapsing.
Today got to work at 6:30am...and I have nothing more to say

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