Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday finally

Thanks God is Friday. What a looong week this has been. I cant wait to get home and sleep for 10 hours straight, no phone, no pager, no boss....I need a break. Going shooping for a new sound today. I love my Nightwish/Sonatartica combo but I think is time to add something new. Had a revelation yesterday I can have a companion, a lover, a best friend the problem is that all 3 dont share the same body...hmmm. I am so simple I confuse myself. My companion is there whenever I need someone to talk about my life, but in the long run the sex start to get boring, monotonous, familiar. My lover is always going to be exciting, refreshing, jolly...but I dont want to go deep and ruing everything. My best friend knows everything about me but I dont want to share a bed with her...There was a time when I though I could get everything in one package now I just settle for little pieces that can complete me. Not bad considering the circunstances.

1 comment:

Vierna said...

Pick up an axe, slash everyone apart and go freakin Frankestein! Hey, that could work. ;)