Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Only two more days of work and off to neverland for 2 weeks. I feel so f*&(*^ng tire I just want to sleep and sleep and sleep. Still hate the holydays but have to love the cold mornings and rainy days...I bought a notebook to start writting stuff...maybe I still have it, not sure, but I am going to find out.
Calling V all week but not luck...hint, hint, hint...
Saw a low budget film call Forbidden Warrior is a refrshing movie, nothing to write home about it but if you are bore(as I was) is an OK movie about a choosen one(not Neo) who must learn about her destiny.
Since these next weekneds are Holydays have to call my party at Ponce to see if they want/can play if not I will visit some friends that I havnet seen in quite a while..hint, hint, hint...

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