Monday, June 09, 2008

Back to Abnormal

I has out of commission for a week thanks to a virus that kept me down with fever and body ache. I had to cancel the trip to Fl because of it and spend the whole week sweating and shivering. The prescription was rest, liquids, 2 Tylenols every 4 hours and more rest. So this past week has been a blur of waking moments and cold showers. On the plus side my mother went home and did a Tornado cleaning every time I woke up she was in another room doing something else. And yes I had my sickly soup.
Today I am back at work. Nothing has change everything is the same. Still no news from LaLa Land. The smell of fear is on the air but no sings of hope in the near future.
A little progress in WoW which is not bad for shorts periods of playing. Found a nice guild with a few interesting ppl. At least now I can write to someone while I wait for BG.

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