Monday, December 31, 2007

the last of 2007

This year has not been spectacular, not that bad, not that good either. Which in my case is an achievement. This year was not my year...I mean is was the year of everyone close to me. The year started with my sisters' weddings, one week apart lol. Then it was my mother and stepfather's retirement, Hell month more like it. They were able to buy a house and are having a blast. Is like they are living for the first time in years. My brother that lives with my mother made a 180 degree turn and even I am impress with his behavior. My brother in the states got a job offer in Florida which is going to be great for him and his family. V gave birth to a beautiful expansion of her jejeje. She will make those two proud. So even though nothing extraordinary happen to me it did happen to those close to me. I am happy for their happiness. And I am still learning to take a back sit and watch from a distance. This year I have to learn to take care of my life more closely. I have to really be selfish with me and dedicate more time to me, myself and I.
To those out there I hope you can keep those resolutions until May at least and that all your short time goals can come true this year.

White Night Fantasy (Once)

Enchantress came to me and said:
Meet me at the lake tonight

I hunmed this song to the white
Through the shroud of snow I saw
No more lies

Crestfallen soul
Rest for this night
Love is here
Right here under my wings

I dream of wolves with them I run
For me she lengthened the night
I am home
I am in peace

Crestfallen soul
Rest for this night
Love is here
Right here under my wings

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

5 days to go

I had managed to stay out of rock bottom this xmas. Still not in a Xmas spirit but at least not under the black weather I had been in the past years. Maybe is the realization that my life is not as bad as I perceive it to be, maybe is having a real concern for someone else, maybe is the fact that I really had not celebrate the season at all...what ever the reason I am just having a lot of free days and no boss at work. Now I only have New years' eve to worry about.
Last weekend I closed a lot of chapters in my life. Mainly because I finally went thru all the boxes I took from my mother's house. I decided to keep only what I really though matters. I threw away books, letters, cards, very old pieces of paper, cassettes, cartridges, elementary school crap, old awards...damn I had a bunch of junk store for the past 30 years or so. Well not any more. The trash should be picking everything up today.
Xmas night was a marathon of family reunions. First my mother's house for eating and some rush quality time then my father's house for a gathering. The highlight of the night was that I was able to played until 4am once I got home.
On other news, my sister from another mother has her baby girl in the hospital. I think I did my first real prayer in a while last week. That baby is really lucky and she knows it. Her parents love her so much that they even became singers for her lol To you both I tip my hat for I had witness your devotion and love.No one can dare say you are not good parents in fact you are the best example of what a parent should be. From far away but you 3 are in my prayers...yes I am praying now

Monday, December 10, 2007

Rainy weekend

If you want to impress someone without flowers this is the way to do it. Fresh fruits in a colorfully display. Nice place, with sweets, with many options,with sweets, fruits cover in new place for gifts. It was funny to ask for an arrangement without any special occasion. The seller was going nuts...
do you want a card with that?
the card is free
ok, but no
Do you want to write something?
Can I put a name to it?
The card will print anyway
...ok, so write just for you
that's it?
do you want your name on it?
dude, I am delivering the thing
oh, ok

It was funny, apparently ppl need an occasion to ask for a gift or something.

Saturday was a black hole of "why even bother" at some point around 9 pm decided to rent a movie. I though King Kong was too long until I saw Spider-man 3...WTF!! They could have done all that in a third of the time. I am so glad I did not paid to watch that crap on a theater. Sunday was another geek day, playing with features in the PC. Which means next week i have to give some loving to the house+car+dogs. Still talking to my State brother every week, which is very refreshing. My mother is officially in her new home. And so far I have not been hit too hard by the Xmas spirit.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Vista days

I bought a new PC, though on going to Mac for a while but in the last moment went PC. After a lot of researching found one that wouldn't blow my budget and that could make me happy for the time been. 3g of RAM, NVDIA video card, lots of HD, media ready, 19" display. All in all a very nice PC with an adequate price. The only problem was that it came with Vista, I have not had the opportunity to play with it so I took that as a challenge...well more of a puzzle. Lets remember that I DO KNOW computers and programming. First step move all my programs/files from the Laptop to the PC...easily done with an external drive of 500gb. Second step install/download into the new is where you start to feel stupid. I only have my account so is an administrator account and Vista still ask you for permissions to do some installing, ok not bad. Some installations are not completing, others after the installation are not working. I went thru so many FAQS and in too many the first comment was "Upgrade to XP and you won't have any issues" *sob* To finish some installations I had to turn off processors, for others I had to explicitly give permissions to the application, for another resolved a compatibility issue...After a two days my PC had everything install. My favorite online game did not want to work...back to the FAQ. Stupid, freaking Vista even though I am the administrator of my PC I have to open with "Run as Administrator" for some applications to function...WTF!!!! Oh well it is a learning process. My neighbor bough a new PC too and ask for help since he is from the Stone Age in regards to computers. I said sure, How long can it take? *sob*. First step move programs/files...his old PC is Win98...*faint*freak out* that means the external drive would not work because of driver's issues...3 jump drives later...Turn the new PC and started downloading upgrades...2 hours later...restart for new upgrades...HELLO!!!!! the a third time. Left everything for the next day. One critical update did not this time I knew the FAQ Home Page by heart. After a 4 pages long step by step explanation of the issue upgrades were complete. Moving to installations...Office 2007 would not start. It would said setup complete but it would not open...FUCK!! I mean FAQ!!! After searching FAQs and users forums I found out that Vista and Office(although from the same company) has some issues with printers file. So after some Office upgrades(No they do not come with the Windows updates) I finished that setup.

Things learn:
Vista is not user friendly
3gs are awesome
Need a desk
Need a comfy chair
I am a freaking tech

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Goodbye to The Crazy One

Yesterday the first born of Natasha Silverbane pass away. In her first day on the new house her naive playfullness got the best of her. In the garden that she was supposed to share with her mother she found death. A wild spirit, never tame, never behaving, always cheerful, always the puppy. How was she to know of the perils that lurks on the wild. I still remember that late night when she came into the world. So tiny was she, so helpless...she was my first delivery. I clean her, put her next to her mother and just watch her for God knows how long. My mother took her as her own, in case I took Natasha away. But the two of them became inseparable, until now. Natasha still has the marks of her crying, that really got to me. I was not there to say goodbye, but I will miss you. The way you always use to find a way to pee on me, either first hand or with that damn flailing tail. I will miss the fighting for affection that you and your mother had everytime I got close. Rest in peace


...y si hacemos caso a la leyenda
entonces tendremos que pensar
que en la tierra hay una perra menos
y en el cielo una estrella mas...

Monday, December 03, 2007

First week of December

Not so bad comparing to last year. Must be my resolution of not celebrating. I am even going to work during December. I am tire of expecting, waiting, hoping...I won't rain on anyone parade, or try to bring no one down, but I will try with all my might to keep afloat. So this year there will be no decorations at my house, no gathering of people, maybe a few mandatory phone calls and nothing more. December will be just another month with a cold weather.
I am loosing the battle to keep my sanity at work, but ppl apparently are not noticing or maybe they are to afraid to let me know. I am not controlling my temper, my tone of voice or my body language. Is getting to the point that I do not care what happen to me any more.
Family...the only highlight is that my brother that lives in the states is communicating more often. After X years we are finally creating a real bounding...who knew? I am actually looking forward for hos new job to start so I can visit him in Florida. Maybe I can get to know other nephews beside Yanqui and Zuly.
Today is catching up on emails and messages. Hope I do get them all :P