Friday, July 13, 2007

Friday 13th

This is a well balance week, last Saturday was 7/7/7 and today is Friday 13th. Life is trying to reach a middle point or something...hmmm Since I did not got lucky hopefully I won't get (more) bad luck. The druid/Ranger is in full motion I was able to bring back to life a rose plant and another tree/bush that the gardener buthcer a few months ago. WARNNING: EMOTIONS AHEAD Yesterday I went to water the plants and I saw a little green on the pot that have, what I though was a lost cause, death pices of wood for the past 3 weeks. Thinking it was jsut grass I bend to pick it out. For my surprise they were leaf on the base of the trunk. I look for someone to share the news and the only ones there were the dogs. So I went and share the happy news with them. I was on the floor with four dogs fighting for attention. I also saw improvement on a rose that was deprive of leaf. It took me more than 2 years but I am learning the basic of plant growing...Everything has two sides lol

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