Monday, November 13, 2006

A House is not a Home

Oh well another Monday morning trying to get up to date with my so called life...Still in the finishing stage of the big fucking project I have been running the past 9 days. Hopefully I will be done by tomorrow...FINALLY. But my day to day is a little falling behind and I guess I will be catching up a few more days.
For some reason I am loking at places to by in San Juan and Rio Piedras. I am begining to enjoy my solitude but there is so much more I wanted to do with a house and although I think I live only 25 minutes from SJ(which I do) ppl think that is to far away and I kind of want to be a host more often.
Spend the whole weekend doing xmast cleaning...and still will be cleaning for the rest of the week. Why, oh why do I have so much crap in my house? Is only me, isn't? Whatever I decide to do I need my pack with me:Kalisto, Dimitri, Tarja(not mine, or is she?) They are the highlight of my day even if arrive tired playing with them relaxes me as much as going to the gym.
Almost 11am time to start the show...

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