Thursday, September 21, 2006

after b-day

33 yes the age of I supposed to die now? Oh well I did have a great weekend: Friday I had a meeting wth my college buddies to discuss the final presentation on Chillis' between the margaritas and the smoking fajitas we got the job done. After went to meet some friends at the old Chit-Chat to play dominoes and have a drink. Saturday morning spend almost the whole mid day with my Mom buying a "bed in a sack" oh well, many calls to congratz 2 missing in action, you know who you are, and one special message that almost made me cry. It wasnt a happy birthday wish it was more of al the reasons I appreciate your friendship through all this years, many thanks. Saturday night had a date/hangout thingie not much to say but the food was ok :P Sunday treat myself to a great breakfast then to meet my father for brunch which turn out to be dinner 5 hours later...I get really pis when I am hungry...but after all the waiting ny younger brither was able to eat with us so it turns out be a night of open heart family bounding...Spend most of the monday finishing my solo project to my first masters class got an A , thank you very much, and I might have done some frienships in he meanwhile...still have 3 inviations for dinner and friends comming home this weekend. Gifts HELL YEAH! My gifts will be deliver as they come.
Got a phone call from the contractor he is supposed to be working at the moment in my house anyway we have a date in court on monday...

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