Monday, November 07, 2005


Would you dare to live half a lie to get half a life? would you deceive enough to get by feeling alive? Would you tell someone the glass is half full when it was you who drank the half that is missing? I am playing a game, dont know how far I will go but for now I feel alive for a few minutes a day. I can scape from the routine of daily life and transport myself to a cloud of no worries. Where I dont even consider the fall. And if I can take someone with me in that journey...where is the damage. Let us fly until the song ends.

On other more normal thingies...I went to Ponce on Sunday had a blast. We played for almost 7 hours straight. We didnt even break to eat. The fighter is making lots of progress in the roleplaying area. The Priest I will make into something usefull. The mage will break or break no second guessing now. And the newest member, the Thief, looks like the leader of the pack. There were twist, turns and of course the old "how did you felt for that". Over all it was a great experience hopefully V and S will be able to be part of it. I found my first D&D notebook...damn I had a lot of spare time.

I am leaving P.R. for 4 days. Going on Friday be back on Monday. In case anyone try to call...DONT.


Vierna said...

Ermmm... So I guess it's an "enjoy while it lasts?". Hope your weekend is sizzling! ;) Ah, what I'm gonna do with the lawful evil!!!

Vierna said...

Do you plan to actually update this crap? Because when people have no phone, this may be the only way they know you are kinda alive... Get it? Grrrrr...