Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Glad to see the volcano of emotions erupting like that, you think I cant handlle it?, give me your best shoot. I dont have pity for no one because I dont beleive in it. IS THAT CLEAR! and where was I when all this happend? Having my owm fucking life. Yes dear I do have a life with issues, problems, sadness, happiness...but you dont see me blaming anyone for MY mistakes I made a lot but I took full responsability for them. You want support: who was there when you were planning wedding #1? who had to keep silence and called G because you need it to be sure? who kept your hopes up? who was there during the unborn of wedding #2? who keeps having faith in you? I am guilty of been absent in the flesh if that is what you wanted sorry. But dont you dare say I havent been there for you. If all you base a friendship is physical contact then you are correct you have no one. I will let this pass as another of your tantrums(yes you do have many) and I will keep telling you what you need to hear not what you want to, ok.

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