Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The past two weekends had been quite interesting. One of my brothers is helping me finish all the things the F contractor never did. What is the relevance? That brother had been the black sheep all his life. To the point I did not even acknowledge him for over 4 years. He had been a pain to my mother since he was 15 and now is reaching 50. Suddenly after my mother retired he change. He is clean now, taking care of himself and even getting along with our stepfather. If he was willing to change so was I. After a few months of lowering my guard I decided to ask him to come and work on my house. Not only did he accepted but my other brother and my mother jumped in the wagon. So for the past two weekends I have had the weird experience of becoming a real Family Guy. Working on the garage, on the garden and cleaning the house. They are like ants and loud as gorillas, but all in all they are my family...damn it took me 30 years to accept that. I think they are the only group of ppl I will ever feel attach to. My mother has been radiant since it had been years, many years, since her sons had spend time together with her at the same time without a funeral been involve. And the fact that the work in the house is getting done is a plus bonus.

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