Wednesday, July 02, 2008


Do not question me if you see me gloomy, mad, piss or sad. Understand that is ME is not a phase is not a specific situation is just the way I am. Realize I live my life that way and I do not care. I do have a few moments of enjoyment and very few moments of real joy. I will always see the glass half empty, I will always rain on anyone parade if I do not agree with it. I am not a grumpy old man s just my behavior. I do not have to be like everyone else and pretend, I show how I feel. I express my though in a way that ppl can not misunderstand them. If you find that hurtful is not my problem, go and grow a thicker skin. Yes, I do get depress a lot and for many reasons...and I will accept that is an issue I need to resolve. I live my days one minute at a time. I do not choose to be a certain way I just adapt to circumstances.
I had spend a lot of time on WoW since is my only source of entertainment. The dynamics there are like in RL. I had a feeling of familiarity with some toons and they have it with me. After a few months in the same place you have the opportunity to establish a reasonable amount of comrade with others toons. In time some of those toons turn into ppl and you get to share moments that transcend the game. As is my luck those ppl live in the State but at least is something. I am finally getting the balance between game time and real life. Thanks to the head set I have neglected some RL friends...I only have 2 ears lol
The house is a mystery still so as soon as I make a decision things will happen.