Monday, April 30, 2007


Last week was filled with stress, work, disappointment and I couldn't care less. Saturday night was worth the wait. At 5:30 pm I realize there was no water(again) so I had to picked all the tools for the tune up and drove to my mother's house to take a bath. Drove to work so I could park in a safe place and took the "Tren Urbano" to the Choliseo(local stadium). It was my first time to that place and I was pleasantly surprise at the organization. Once inside well is a stadium, if you want to drink a piña colada $6.00, a can beer $5.00, only the powers that be know the prices for wine, cocktails and all the stuff I saw ppl drinking. At 9:23 pm the lights dim and the sound of "Funeral for a Friend" filled the stadium, this is where I got impress with the Choliseo the sound is fantastic. Wearing a red shirt, a long black coat, with a drawing on the back of the coat of himself sitting in a rocket to the moon Sir Elton John entered the stage and performed "Love, Lies, Bleeding" after that nothing else mattered. I was in a place where nothing could reach me except for the sound of tha master pianist and his voice. Rocket Man, Candle in the Wind, Burn down the Mission, Sorry since ti be the hardest word, The bitch is back, Saturday, I'm still standing, and so many more gave me all my money's worth. Not only did he performed outstanding but we added some arrangement that made old songs not so old. After 2 hours and 20 minutes of none stop music he said farewell and I have and more accomplishment in my life.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

a new face

After so long and meaningless nights I finally develop a new side that I did not knew I had it in me. It took me two days of manual labor, utilizing tools that I still do not know their names, buying things describing them with childlike precision...but it is done. I fix my master's bathroom toilet!!!!! and so I can say that I am officially a 0 level handyman. Of course I had a pool in the bathroom and I ran out of towels to keep the water check. I had to borrow tools since I do not have any! But all my cursing and winning paid off...I am not useless in house maintenance.
I had training the whole week for the may upgrade + working on final touches for the new facility + day to day crap + a flesh eating fungus, a little tire but no burn out.
I went to the dermatologist because I though that my perfume was giving me an allergic reaction but as soon as she saw me she told me it was "paño"(fungus). At least I know I can smell different again. She gave a cream(not cheap) and antibiotics(really cheap) and an appointment for 3 weeks. While I waited in the office this fruity lawyer(or so he claim) was making calls and discussing cases out loud. He was talking about drugs, assassinations, fugitives and he was driving everyone insane specially the old people that were getting freak by the conversation. Thankfully he made eye contact and could read my intentions.
I need to do house cleaning this weekend and hopefully rest, rest and rest.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday the 13th

If we did not have bad luck how could we have any luck? Enjoy or suffer the rest of the day, but whatevere you do please keep away from little leprachauns and pixies. With the visare thing I call life, today(so far) has been a lucky day. With (finally) good news at work and from the Contractor(yes he's still alive). Tonight a movie fest for me and myself.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Spring Break update

Last week I took a well deserve rest from work. I decided not to travel outside the island but instead do some local tourism. Since I am still a little laszy I havent download the pics form my camera so next time I will post some. I took Satyrday to clean the house+dogs+car. I went a little druid on the back yard and relocated some plants plus I bought two rose bushes to add some color to the barren landscape. Sunday I did a Closer marathon follow by a 24 mini marathon. On Monday I started my ride near Caguas, I went to Guavate and kept on driving till I reach a beautiful place with a stream, birds singing, cloudy day perfect to walk and enjoy the view. The only thing I regret was not having a book and nurishment so I could stay a little longer. The communion with Nature was great with no ppl around to bother or break the magic. Tuesday I went to Arecibo to La Cueva del Indio, I took a friend along so I wouldnt felt asleep. Getting there was half the fun and a nice ride since there was no traffic. The place is a huge rock near the coast where you can walk and go down to what look like a little cave. The waves crash constanlty and the sound, wind and sun where a refreshing experience. Tuesday I tried to go to a Mariposorio in Guayama. The road to get there is quiet and I was able to have a nice view of a factory and the coast. Once in Guayama the journey to get to the Mariposorio wasnt over since the place is in a barrio far away in the mountains, but once I arrive they were close, so I kept on driving to Ponce(just for the fun of it). Went to the typical places and headed back to Caguas. Wedsnday my cousin, his wife and their 5 children came to visit for a few days. Spend the afternoon with a friend in San Juan, Condado and Carolina then to my aunt's house to have some family time.
Thursday and Friday took it slow, I went to visit my mother, spend some time with my father and watch TV. I also went to see The Reaping on Friday, is an ok movie, predictable, linear but with good special effects so I guess it is made for America.
Saturday did some shopping and took a chance to eat some sea food, I am very allergic to everything sea related but I am using myself as a guinea pig for a experiment which I think is going well(at least I am still alive).
Sunday went to Las Cavernas de Camuy, wow, that is the only way to describe what I felt there. Is another world once you go down that road and the cold breeze touch your skin. I was took by surprise by all the images, I need to go back to really enjoy it.
The ranger in me is very happy at this moment. I needed it to go back to my simple self and enjoy my simplicity. Maybe I am not such a lost cause after all.