Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Ok so almost a month later here I am, well just a quick recap I am still trying to get my money back from the f***er contractor how is trying to screw me, havent made anything new to the house, evading getting into a deeper drepression and still trying to find something to do with my spare time.
To Kymill I just read your blog sorry you are feeling that way but see the light at the end of the tunnel(either in this life or the other). You have so much to give and you are waisting it on all the wrong places...anyway you have my shoulder to lean on.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

1st chapter

So I try this once didnt like it, lets see if I can get it right now. For all of you who I hope can read this here goes a little of me.
Single(not looking thank you very much), 31 years old, puertorique~o and proud of it, starting a new life in a new house all alone for the first time in my life, workaholic, youngest/older brother from divorce parents and not a basket case(I hope).
Why am I doing this? To try and keep in touch with ppl I dont talk/write alot maybe they can get a hint of what is going on when I am not around. So feel free to drop a line or two maybe that will be the only way to reach me.
Hope to write soon